Radman Green Energy
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Sunoptimo has become a major player in the sphere of large scale solar thermal systems.
Lots of building owners from whole Europe have already chosen for a Sunoptimo installation.
Sunoptimo’s focus is above all the collective solar thermal market, then the market for combined systems and by extension, the individual market.
It is in the large installation segment that the technologies offered by Sunoptimo bring the most benefits and encounter the least competition. It is also a market that requires the real expertise that Sunoptimo can offer. Products Sunoptimo offers to individuals are derived from the collective range.
Save the planet, save your money!
The Opticube range is composed of complete kits from 30 m² to 300 m² in one piece. Those kits can be multiplied to become the ideal solution for any project requiring from 30 to 3.000 m² of solar thermal collectors.
All the necessary predictions have already been made, and only by following the manual can simply complete the installation and launch process within two or three days.
The integration of the Opticube into the existing heating system is very easy and can be done by diverting all or part of the water that is entering cold into the boiler room, through the Opticube.
Depending on the solar power and/or the solar energy stored, the water will then enter the boiler room either at the already required temperature or will be pre-heated so that the backup will need to consume less energy for the rest of the heating.
1. Drainback Sunoptimo
2. Pressurized systems
Identify the geographic area of your project in order to determine the approximate amount of energy the sun provides in your area. Iran is located in zone 3. The following graph gives you an idea of how much energy the sun can bring you according to the size of the selected Opticube model.
Finding the best solar surface according to the desired savings (solar fraction).
Your needs in energy are key information to choose the Opticube size.
If you know your daily hot water consumption or your annual kWh (or MWh) need, use the known data. Otherwise, here are some examples often used to assess your consumption.
The different versions of this system make its set-up possible everywhere.
You can also download the product catalog and get the information you need.